Criminal Justice and Criminology Honors Theses | Undergraduate Honors Theses by Department | East Tennessee State University

This series contains undergraduate honors theses based on the thesis professor’s department.

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Theses/Dissertations from 2022


College Students’ Perception of Law Enforcement, Joseph Lyon


The Dangers of the Social Drinker: An Analysis of Adolescent Drinking Habits at Social Gatherings, Mason Seitz


The Death Penalty: Recent trends in exonerations and recommendations for further improvements, Brittany Wakefield

Theses/Dissertations from 2021


East Tennessee State University Student Perceptions of Gun Legislature, Brieann Boyle

Theses/Dissertations from 2020


College Students’ Attitudes Towards Police Officers and their Perceptions of Prison Systems, Lee Poff

Theses/Dissertations from 2016


Examining the Relationship between Physical and Sexual Abuse and Mental Illnesses Among Female Inmates: Revising the Mental Health Care Process in Prisons, Josie Klepper

Theses/Dissertations from 2015


Do Juvenile Offenders Hold to the Child-Saving Mentality? The Results From a Statewide Survey of Juvenile Offenders in a Correctional Facility., Katelynn R. Adams


Media Effects on Attitudes Towards the Criminal Justice System, Emily Werner


Measuring the Level of University Student Knowledge on the U.S. Drug Policy and Harms Associated with Illicit Drug Use: A Replication Study, Ashley E. Williams

Theses/Dissertations from 2014


CONTROLLING JUVENILE BEHAVIOR: An Empirical Test of Hirschi's Attachment and Involvement, Samantha M. Lower


18th Century Anarchism and Its Effect on Modern Day Domestic Terrorism, Mary A. Scott