Art and Design Works | Faculty Works By Department | East Tennessee State University

The following citations represent the scholarly and/or creative works attributed to East Tennessee State University faculty with SelectedWorks profiles.

If you are ETSU faculty and want your works to be included, please request a SelectedWorks profile by emailing your CV to



Béotie, Eubée. Chronique Archéologique De La Religion Grecque, Michael Anthony Fowler (2018)

Béotie, Eubée. Chronique Archéologique De La Religion Grecque, Michael Anthony Fowler (2020)


Of Human Sacrifice and Barbarity: A Case Study of the Late Archaic Tumulus XVII at Istros, Michael Anthony Fowler (2021)


Parmigianino's »Nymphs Bathing« Identified as »the Discovery of Callisto's Pregnancy «, Vida J. Hull (2004)



The New Aesthetic and Art: Constellations of the Postdigital, Scott Contreras-Koterbay and Łukasz Mirocha


Art and Industry in East Tennessee, Ca 1880-1940: Conserving Appalachian Pasts as Resources for the Future, Michael Anthony Fowler (2021)

Bad Blood? The Sacrifice of Polyxena in Archaic Greek Art, Michael Anthony Fowler (2019)

Bad Blood? Varying Attitudes on Human Sacrifice in Archaic Greek Art, Michael Anthony Fowler (2021)

Between the Gorgeous and Gorgonian: Gender, Aesthetic Experience, and the Getty Mirror, Michael Anthony Fowler (2020)

Of Cult and Cataclysm: Considerations on a Maiden Sacrifice at Mycenaean Kydonia, Michael Anthony Fowler (2020)

Reflections on Beauty and Ugliness: An Exceptional Archaic Greek Mirror at the Getty, Michael Anthony Fowler (2020)

Rosa Bonheur the Amazon? Victorian-era Fashion, Female Masculinity, and the Horse Fair (1855), Michael Anthony Fowler (2022)

Unsavory Sights: Cannibalism in Greek Art, Michael Anthony Fowler (2020)

Unsavory Sights: Cannibalism in Greek Art, Michael Anthony Fowler (2019)

Video/Audio Materials


Ray Hicks and other Beech Mountain Folks, Thomas G. Burton, Jack Schrader, and Ambrose Manning