Degree Name

EdD (Doctor of Education)


Educational Leadership

Date of Award

December 1993


The Problem of this study was to determine if the cognitive style of elementary school principals affects the principal's evaluation of a teacher when there is a match or mismatch between the principal's and teacher's cognitive style. Using the Productivity Environmental Preference Survey, the dimensions of right brain/left brain hemispheric dimensions of cognitive style were measured for the sample population. The sample population included 40 elementary school principals and 120 elementary school teachers. The 120 teachers were made up of teachers selected by each of the 40 principals as the most effective teachers in the school. The statistical analysis of the data indicated there was not a significant correlation between the principal's right brain/left brain dimensions of cognitive style and the right brain/left brain dimensions of cognitive style of the teachers selected as the three most effective teachers in the school (r =.10, p =.281).

Document Type

Dissertation - unrestricted
