

Franklin University Library conducted a retrospective digitization project to make a collection of education master’s theses available in its institutional repository. Digitizing bound theses and dissertations to make them available in an institutional repository benefits the institutional repository, the university, the student authors of the works, and external researchers. When conducting a retrospective digitization project for theses or dissertations that are protected by copyright, a university library must consider how the students’ copyright in their work affects the library’s ability to digitize the theses or dissertations and make them available in an institutional repository. University libraries should also consider making the scanned theses and dissertations digitally accessible to reach the widest possible audience. For this project, the Franklin University Library decided to contact the student authors of the theses to request permission, gave the students the opportunity to select a Creative Commons license for their work, and then digitized the theses of those students who granted permission. As part of the digitization process, library staff remediated the scanned theses to meet Franklin University’s digital accessibility standards.



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